
lunes, 20 de junio de 2011


One of the most beautiful places we visited during the days we spent in La Vall de Camprodon and La Vall de Núria was the village of Beget. In Beget time has elapsed. Cars can't enter the village and its streets and houses are the typical stone ones of a medieval village. When you arrive at Beget, it seems that you have traveled back in time.

I really liked the calmness of Beget, its fantastic environment, its extremely well preserved Sant Cristòfol romanesque church, its stone bridges, the murmur of the creeks. In Beget, each stone is in place.

The only minor drawback is that you have to drive 16km (30min. aprox) along a narrow winding road, but it's absolutely worth the effort.

Sant Cristòfol romanesque church in Beget
When you park your car, the first image you get of Beget is this one of Sant Cristòfol Church

Sant Cristòfol romanesque church in Beget
Sant Cristòfol church is a really nice romanesque church. It was a pity that it was closed when we arrived at Beget

Sant Cristòfol romanesque church in Beget
Apse and bell-tower of Sant Cristòfol church in Beget

Medieval village of Beget in La Vall de Camprodon
This typical stone street in Beget led us from Sant Cristòfol Church to La Plaça Major

Medieval village of Beget in La Vall de Camprodon
Plaça Major in Beget

Sant Cristòfol romanesque church in Beget

From La Plaça Major of Beget I enjoyed this nice view of Sant Cristòfol church

Beget and the mountains of the Pyrenees in Catalonia
Beget is located in a really nice environment, surrounded by mountains and creeks

Creek in Beget
The environment around Beget is really beautiful

Sant Cristòfol romanesque church in Beget
Sant Cristòfol de Beget church shortly before reaching the main square

Sant Cristòfol romanesque church in Beget
Overview of Beget where you can see Sant Cristòfol romanesque church, one of the typical stone bridges and some stone houses in Beget

If you spend some days in La Vall de Camprodon, I strongly recommend visiting Beget, a beautiful village where you will forget all your concerns, at least for some hours.

Besides Beget there are more nice medieval villages in Catalunya. Some of them are:

If you like medieval architecture, you should visit the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, the old city of Girona and the monasteries of Montserrat and Poblet.

The Pyrennes offers also more beautiful villages and places like:

Finally, clicking on the next link you can see more pictures of the other places we visited during the days we spent in La Vall de Núria and La Vall de Camprodon. These valleys are two of the most beautiful environments in Catalunya.

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