Dimarts 18-03-2008
Westminster Abbey and Palace (cont. )
El dia anterior vam veure la Westminster Abbey per fora i avui hi tornàvem per entrar-hi
De l'interior destaca l'alçada de la nau principal amb l'arc de creueria típic de les construccions... (Read More)
After a trip to New York in 2007 I created this blog to share the pictures with family and friends. However, this blog has become a great way to organize and view the pictures of my trips abroad, my weekend short trips in Catalonia and my visits to beautiful places in Barcelona. After my trips, I have realized that Barcelona is actually a really beautiful city, as I will try to show here from now on.
miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008
martes, 1 de abril de 2008
Dilluns 17-03-2008
Per anar a Greenwich Park, el nostre primer destí del tercer dia, haviem de fer un transbordament pel carrer just davant de la Torre de Londres. I mira per on allà al costat hi havia un mirador, així que vam aprofitar per fer-nos... (Read More)
Trips - London
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