Like the Large Hadron Collider, Aerospace technology is an example of how powerful human mind is and how human intelligence is able to design an amazing and wonderful technology (most of photos obtained from
Next I would like to summarize the evolution of Aerospace technology following this guide:
- Pionners
- First Artificial Satellite into Earth's Orbit
- First Human to Fly in Space
- Rocket Evolution
- Saturn V and Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Mission
- Skylab: The First Spacial Station
- First Launch of the Space Shuttle
- MIR: The First Example of Cooperation between USA and Russia
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Space Shuttle
- Soyuz: An Alternative to the Space Shuttle
- The International Space Station
- The Future: NASA's Constellation Program
Werner von Braun, with his dark past, and Sergei Korolev were the two people who started and developed aerospace technology.

In 1951, the Soviet Union became the first country to safely recover a living organism after a flight in space. In 1957, a dog, Layka, became the first living organism to reach Earth's orbit.
Traveling aboard Sputnik 2, rising temperatures due to thermal control problems killed Layka on the fourth day of the mission (Image from the files of Asif Siddiqi. Image and caption from Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945- 1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408) by Asif A. Siddiqi)
Traveling aboard Sputnik 2, rising temperatures due to thermal control problems killed Layka on the fourth day of the mission (Image from the files of Asif Siddiqi. Image and caption from Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945- 1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408) by Asif A. Siddiqi)

First Artificial Satellite into Earth's Orbit

When the development of the first advanced scientific satellite, Object D, proved to be more difficult than expected, the Soviets decided to launch a simpler, smaller satellite. PS-1, or Sputnik 1, began development in November 1956. The pressurized sphere made of aluminum alloy had five primary scientific objectives:
1. Test the method of placing an artificial satellite into Earth orbit.
2. Provide information on the density of the atmosphere by calculating its lifetime in orbit.
3. Test radio and optical methods of orbital tracking.
4. Determine the effects of radio wave propagation though the atmosphere
5. Check principles of pressurization used on the satellites.
On October 4, 1957, Sputnik 1 successfully launched and entered Earth's orbit. Sputnik shocked the world, giving the USSR the distinction of putting the first human-made object into space and putting the United States a step behind in the space race (Image from the files of Asif Siddiqi. Image and caption from Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945- 1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408) by Asif A. Siddiqi).
1. Test the method of placing an artificial satellite into Earth orbit.
2. Provide information on the density of the atmosphere by calculating its lifetime in orbit.
3. Test radio and optical methods of orbital tracking.
4. Determine the effects of radio wave propagation though the atmosphere
5. Check principles of pressurization used on the satellites.
On October 4, 1957, Sputnik 1 successfully launched and entered Earth's orbit. Sputnik shocked the world, giving the USSR the distinction of putting the first human-made object into space and putting the United States a step behind in the space race (Image from the files of Asif Siddiqi. Image and caption from Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945- 1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408) by Asif A. Siddiqi).
First Human to Fly in Space

Gagarin began his cosmonaut training in 1960, along with 19 other candidates. On April 12, 1961 at 9:06 am Gagarin lifted off in the Vostok 1 spacecraft and after a 108-minute flight of extended microgravity, he parachuted safely to the ground in the Saratov region of the USSR.
As the first human to fly in space, he successfully completed one orbit around the Earth. Image from the files of Asif Siddiqi. Image and caption from Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945- 1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408) by Asif A. Siddiqi
As the first human to fly in space, he successfully completed one orbit around the Earth. Image from the files of Asif Siddiqi. Image and caption from Challenge to Apollo: The Soviet Union and the Space Race, 1945- 1974 (NASA SP-2000-4408) by Asif A. Siddiqi

The Redstone ballistic missile was a high-accuracy, liquid-propelled, surface-to-surface missile. Originally developed as a nose cone re-entry test vehicle for the Jupiter intermediate range ballistic missile, the Jupiter-C was a modification of the Redstone missile and successfully launched the first American Satellite, Explorer-1, in orbit on January 31, 1958. The Mercury Redstone lifted off carrying the first American, astronaut Alan Shepard, in his Mercury spacecraft Freedom 7, on May 5, 1961.

The Russian Soyuz launch vehicle is an expendable spacecraft that evolved out of the original Class A (Sputnik). From the early 1960' until today, the Soyuz launch vehicle has been the backbone of Russia's marned and unmanned space launch fleet. Today, the Soyuz launch vehicle is marketed internationally by a joint Russian/French consortium called STARSEM. As of August 2001, there have been ten Soyuz missions under the STARSEM banner 2000-10-29.

Saturn V and Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Mission

The Saturn V is the largest and most powerful launch vehicle in the United States. The towering, 111 meter, Saturn V was a multistage, multiengine launch vehicle standing taller than the Statue of Liberty. Altogether, the Saturn V engines produced as much power as 85 Hoover Dams. Development of the Saturn V was the responsibility of the Marshall Space Flight Center at Huntsville, Alabama, directed by Dr. Wernher von Braun.
The rising Earth is about five degrees above the lunar horizon in this telephoto view taken from the Apollo 8 spacecraft near 110 degrees east longitude. On the earth, the sunset terminator crosses Africa. The south pole is in the white area near the left end of the terminator. North and South America are under the clouds

Apollo 11 was the first marned lunar landing mission that placed the first humans on the surface of the moon and returned them back to Earth. Astronaut Armstrong became the first man on the lunar surface, and astronaut Aldrin became the second. Astronaut Collins piloted the Command Module in a parking orbit around the Moon. Launched aboard the Saturn V launch vehicle (SA-506), the three astronauts began their journey to the moon with liftoff from launch complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center at 8:32 am CDT, July 16, 1969.

Skylab: The First Spacial Station

In 1968, the Marshall Space Flight Center proposed an alternative to the wet workshop concept of refurbishing a space station in orbit. Instead, a fully equipped dry workshop could be launched as a complete unit ready for occupancy. Skylab became the free world's first space station.
Launched in May 1973, the Skylab space station was occupied in succession by three teams of three crewmembers. These crews spent 28, 59, and 84 days respectively, orbiting the Earth and performing nearly 300 experiments. This view of Skylab in orbit was taken by the Skylab 4 (the last Skylab mission) crew 1974-02-01.
First Launch of the Space Shuttle
This "cutaway" artist's concept exercises some artistic license to reveal systems of the major components of a Space Shuttle vehicle
STS-1 Launch. The April 12 launch at Pad 39A of STS-1, just seconds past 7 a.m., carries astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen into an Earth orbital mission scheduled to last for 54 hours, ending with unpowered landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California
Because of Saturn V was a kind of rocket to expensive, in 1969 the space shuttle project started. However, there had been several Apollo missions for several years. The first space shuttle launch happened in 1981

MIR: The First Example of Cooperation between USA and Russia

The Space Shuttle/Mir combination, which was the largest space platform ever assembled, is shown overflying the Lake Baikal region of Russia. Mir is shown in its 6 module configuration. The Kristall module has rotated to the forward docking port of the Mir Base Block to facilitate the docking of the Space Shuttle.
The Priroda module is shown extending over the port wing of the Orbiter with its solar panel in the retracted position required by the dynamics of Orbiter/Mir docking. The Kvant 2 airlock module appears parallel to the Orbiter crew module, while the Spektr module is at the nadir and is hidden from view by the port solar panel of the Mir Base Block. The Kvant module is shown at the aft of the Mir Base Block with the solar panels of the Kristall module installed and fully extended. The Soyuz TM transport vehicle used for the launch and docking of the Mir Expedition 18 crew is docked to Kvant.
The Priroda module is shown extending over the port wing of the Orbiter with its solar panel in the retracted position required by the dynamics of Orbiter/Mir docking. The Kvant 2 airlock module appears parallel to the Orbiter crew module, while the Spektr module is at the nadir and is hidden from view by the port solar panel of the Mir Base Block. The Kvant module is shown at the aft of the Mir Base Block with the solar panels of the Kristall module installed and fully extended. The Soyuz TM transport vehicle used for the launch and docking of the Mir Expedition 18 crew is docked to Kvant.
Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble's first servicing mission replaced and repaired various instruments, but its most important task was installing technology that corrected the tiny flaw in Hubble's main mirror that distorted the telescope's view. Hubble was specially designed to be repaired and upgraded by astronauts while in orbit.

Space Shuttle

The orbiter Atlantis returned to space after an approximately two year absence with a liftoff from Launch Pad 39B at 11:59:43 a.m. EST, about four minutes after the launch window opened. The planned 11 day flight will continue NASA's Mission to Planet Earth, a comprehensive international collaboration to study how Earth's environment is changing and how human beings affect that change

The STS-95 mission includes research payloads such as the Spartan solar-observing deployable spacecraft, the Hubble Space Telescope Orbital Systems Test Platform, the International Extreme Ultraviolet Hitchhiker, as well as the SPACEHAB single module with experiments on space flight and the aging process. Discovery is expected to return to KSC at 11:49 a.m. EST on Nov. 7
Five astronauts based at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) and two payload specialists comprising the STS-95 mission take a break from their training schedule to pose for the STS-95 preflight portrait
Seated (left to right) are Steven W. Lindsey, pilot; and Curtis L. Brown, commander. Standing (left to right) are Scott E. Parazynski, mission specialist; Stephen K. Robinson, mission specialist; Chiaki Mukai (NASDA), payload specialist; Pedro Duque (ESA), mission specialist; and John H. Glenn, payload specialist. Glenn was a U.S. Senator and the first American to orbit the Earth in Friendship 7 in February of 1962. The seven launched into Earth orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on October 29, 1998 at 2:19:34 pm (EST). The primary payload was SPACEHAB, in which many experiments were carried out.

Seated (left to right) are Steven W. Lindsey, pilot; and Curtis L. Brown, commander. Standing (left to right) are Scott E. Parazynski, mission specialist; Stephen K. Robinson, mission specialist; Chiaki Mukai (NASDA), payload specialist; Pedro Duque (ESA), mission specialist; and John H. Glenn, payload specialist. Glenn was a U.S. Senator and the first American to orbit the Earth in Friendship 7 in February of 1962. The seven launched into Earth orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery on October 29, 1998 at 2:19:34 pm (EST). The primary payload was SPACEHAB, in which many experiments were carried out.
Soyuz: An Alternative to the Space Shuttle

The Earth: A Beautiful Picture obtained thanks to Artificial Satellites

The Future: NASA's Constellation Program
NASA's Constellation Program fleet -- now more than four years into development -- includes the Ares I, the Ares V heavy cargo launch vehicle and the Orion spacecraft. The Ares V will serve as NASA’s primary vessel for safe, reliable delivery of large-scale hardware to space, including the Altair lunar lander, also now in development, and supplies needed to establish a sustained human presence on the moon. The Orion will safely ferry a crew of four to six astronauts to a variety of destinations in space.

The Ares I rocket, America's next flagship in space, is now in development by NASA and its industry partners, and soon will carry human explorers and new missions of discovery to the moon and beyond.
The first Ares I test flight, called Ares I-X, was scheduled for 2009. The first crewed launch of the Ares I rocket is planned for no later than 2015, and NASA plans to send the first missions back to the moon around 2020.

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